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All the games that i'm about to mention are typical of capcom and are all very good titles, some maybe more than others but for me personally i enjoyed them all very much, they are all action packed over the top fantastic games.

so the simple question is this...... Which of these capcom franchises deserves another sequel?

the candidates

God hand 2

Choas legion 2

Dino crisis 4

Onimusha 5

If i had to choose an order of anticipation for these games it would be this............

1. Dino crisis 4

2. Onimusha 5

3. Choas legion 2

4. God hand 2

i know capcom are busy with resident evil 5 but these games used to come off of a conveyor belt at capcom HQ

Time for sequels capcom plz.

Whats your fave or most anticipated of the four franchises? if they ever see the light of day (i hope so)