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Just a few things to note:

- the lowest amount DS sold this week in one single region of the Europe/Others data was 26k... it's also more than PS3 sold in any one single region of the others data. Just shows what the DS is capable of.

- Wii has been domination Australia... finally closes up the gap as most markets have seen Wii domination but our sales didn't show this until now as we updated for recent news

- Wii has also been doing monumentally better in Other section of the E/O data... I know it's recently released in India but I wonder if its also released in China... either way its become another market where it's growing fast as before it showed very slow sales

- 360's pricecut seems to be quite affective as in some areas it's almost up to Wii numbers such as Italy however still can't contest with it in Germany and France which have been dominated by the little white consoles since day one

- PS3 is in big trouble in Others right now... with Japan being the only market right now showing bright spots for PS3, it really needed to have a good holiday season here considering the E/O market is getting close to 10x as large as that of the Japanese market in hardware... with no trends suggesting a good holidays for Sony here or in America, this is something to worry about Playstation's future while MS might run away with second

- In general though this week has been huge... 1.56 million units of hardware were sold this week in E/O alone... compare that with 2.21 million units of hardware sold WORLDWIDE last week of all platforms... market is extensively growing... also this time last year the market saw 1.18 million units of hardware sold with PS3, PSP and DS staying stale over the year while PS2 drops and Wii and 360 see massive increases. With only one platform dropping you can understand how much increases are occurring. Can't wait for software this week.