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heruamon said:
Geee...I guess M$'s price cut is going to work after all...

Anybody using common sense would have realized that the cuts were aimed at the holiday buying spree, not some arbitrary date in September, but you've gotta "institutional" the price in the minds of consumers. I think we are going to see some massive numbers next week for all consoles, as people will scale back on holiday shopping, but consoles are a bargain, as compared to big screen tv's...ouch to those expecting to make money off that...hmmmm.


 Yeah, many talked about how reactionary the 360 price cut was instead of realizing that, before the Wii, no console had ever gone as long as the 360 had without dropping the price $100.  It was time perfectly in that it 1) was timed early enough so that it could foster weekly growth before the holiday shopping spree, 2) late enough so that the price cuts would not heavily affect profitability and 3) just in time for a very unique explosion in diverse, quality software releases.

Expect a similar disparity when the American numbers come in.  360 outsells the PS3 by 200k+ this week.

Well played, MS.  Well played.