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akuma587 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
This thread would be much more amusing if you'd all argue about Trig Palin's birth certificate instead. It's much more amusing. The hospital Palin says she was at doesn't have Trig on file. You can look him up on the web site and he's not there. I guess that means Trig was born in Kenya, and/or renounced his citizenship in Indonesia.


How have I never seen this amazing picture before?  It's a keeper.

steven787 said:
With the excitement that Sarah P. and Bush seem to generate in the base, Trig should be exponentially more popular. Trig Palin/Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt 2044!

Seriously though, questioning her motherhood of baby Trig is absolutely ridiculous. Leave Sarah aloooone!

Bristol was what, 5 months preggars in August when she was forced into marrying a self-proclaimed redneck who never wanted to get married?  It's been 3 months.  She should be having a baby any day now to set the record straight.  Until then, I'll be sticking to my theory: