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Onyxmeth said:
toastboy44562 said:
Onyxmeth said:

I'm looking forward to it. I'm not sure what you were expecting graphically though. It looks like a slight upgrade from Fight Night Round 3, which is all you would really expect since FNR3 was pretty damn impressive upon release.

@toastboy-You forgot to put "the" in between "is" and "shit".


 No I didnt....fight night is one of the worst fighters/wrestling games ever!!!

Edit: never mind it sold well on 360...I like it now!'re right it is one of the worst fighting games and one of the worst wrestling games, but it happens to be a fantastic boxing game. If you are looking for fighting/wrestling I suggest you check out Smackdwon vs. RAW and Street Fighter IV. They may provide what you're looking for.

FYI, Fight Night is also one of the worst RPGs, action-adventures, RTSes, FPSes and platformers ever made too, in case you were wondering.


LOL-ing my face off right now!