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Dodece said:

I was not referring to the original post. I was responding to the thread in general. Every time recently that their has been a thread about the 360 or the PS3. There always has to be someone who tries to drag the Wii into the discussion, or imply that it is a conspiracy when ever discussion does not include the Wii.

Well there is no conspiracy. All that is really happening is that some loyalist is distraught that the conversation keeps moving away from their console. Well the conversation should omit the Wii until there is something to talk about. That is total fail in my book. Stop derailing threads by mentioning something that is totally irrelevant.


The title of the thread is '360 surges ahea of the competition

The competition is the PS3 and the Wii... why wouldn't you mention the Wii?  Oh, now if the title of the OP was "360 surges ahead of PS3 after trailing it for first part of year on back of price cuts" then I'd agree no need to mention the Wii.  But it doesn't... it says competition.  Also, as MS keep releasing press and marketing for casual market, with SKUs like Arcade and titles like Lips, etc, they themselves are basically putting 360 in competition with Wii so it's totally fair to mention it.

Was the Xbox not in competition with the PS2 because it was more powerful and focused on games like Halo and Splinter Cell?



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...