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akuma587 said:

You are completely ignoring that there was a lot of pressure from outside Washington entirely to get some kind of bailout passed, no matter what it was.  The financial sector was plummeting like a rock when all the squabbling over the bailout was occurring and the public was equally jumpy about how quickly the economy was souring.

You also have a knee jerk reaction whenever you see the word government and spending in the same sentence, since you assume that anything the government does (except spending money on the military of course) is completely unjustified and is nothing less than an expression of complete incompetence.  The private sector left to its own ends was what caused the whole financial crisis in the first place.  The private sector does correct itself eventually, but there are certain situations the private sector can't handle on its own.



To the first part I bulleted:
Being shitty at your job and failing because you can't handle pressure is no excuse to blame someone else for your failings. That's like a kid persuading his parents into letting him drive the car at age 10, and then not blaming the parents for it.

To the second point I bulleted:
Yes. The last 4 months are a great example. I also think they spend way too much money on the military. I just think the military is a place they are supposed to spend money. Not buying banks.

As for the private sector being the cause of this issue. No! It was congress. If you left banks to only give loans to those that are a good risk, banks would have not giving trillions of dollars worth of loans that they knew were bad. If Congress had not incentivized these loans, they never would have been given. Also, if Congress was not a bunch of fuck ups, they would have worked on this issue years ago when they saw it coming. Not wait until the collapse to say we need to rely on them.

My feelings, is everyone in government today is a worthless pile of shit. Yours is only the republicans do wrong, and democrats are here to save the day.

Let's see how you think in 4 years.