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I pay $50 a year, and honestly, I don't think about it, I just click the re-new option when it comes around (February-ish). I think you can get it cheaper here if you search ($40), but that obviously might not apply outside the US (sorry).

If you don't play on-line that often, I'd recommend against it, unless you have a burning desire to spend that extra money.

As to your two points about not playing on-line:

- Find a good group of people you enjoy playing with and play with them...only one of my friends on my XBL friends list is an "in the flesh" friend. All others are on-line only friends.
- Typing?? Headsets, baby. The chat pad works for quick messages, but nothing beats a good headset (Turtle beach).

For what I do, Gears, Gears 2, Left 4 Dead, *occasionally* Halo 3, I don't mind the cost at all.