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Khuutra said:
twesterm said:
You people are crazy. The game isn't going to break 1 million first day.

JRPG's are a dieing breed and I'm glad the Final Fantasy series isn't immune from that. That series and all of its spinoffs (FFVII remakes in particular) have been riding the FF name for years and have been getting worse and worse.

I actually hope this game does poorly so it will actually encourage SE to try and make good games again. Not just say here's Sephirth!!! or it's like Cloud, but a chick. Buy our game lol.



You're cool and all, I like the way you wear your hat

And you're a mod so you're a bigger force in these here parts

But even casual repeated slanderings of FFXII is fightin' words.

Ayway, back on-topic, there is no telling how this game will sell day one. Are we just looking at the Japan launch? Are we aligning all launches, everywhere? What are the criteria here?

worldwide first day