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I was thinking about taking my 360 online, but I was wondering if the people thought it was justified spending that much to go online?

I simply want to know what makes it so good, and whether or not its likely to drag someone who is a reluctant multi-player gamer online more.

Heres my current situation with the 360.

  • I don't have anyone with Live gold that I know personally.
  • I was thinking about getting a 360 so I could connect it to my CRT monitor in my bedroom because its hard to fit gaming around other people.

This is why I don't play online much:

  • I hate being matched up with people who have unequal skill to me.
  • I hate typing on a controller and I don't do online PC gaming because the FPS games are just twitch fests when playing competitively.

So can you tell me if it would be justified for me? My initial feeling is that its not but making a judgement without knowing the service is stupid.

Oh one last thing, if you mention the PS3 or PSN in an obvious Microsoft/Xbox Live only thread you probably have emotional problems and should see someone about them.
