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whatever said:
nightsurge said:
whatever said:
nightsurge said:
Lolcislaw said:
Lovely Analysis, dude just forgot about one small white box that is kicking 360's ass.

Please see the initial post of page 2.  Thanks =D

What does that have to do with his point?  Point is, Bruce on games is a known idiot and this is further proof.


Merely that he again assumes what the post on page 2 said.  He thinks we are all just forgetting the Wii, when in reality we count it as mostly in a different category, thus the comparison for the most part is between 360 and PS3.

@Reasonable "Also, not that I care, but isn't it ironic that after years of bashing PS3 installs 360 owners are now estatic they can install to reduce noise and disk scratching?"

The PS3 installs are required, take half an hour or more, and just plain inconvenience us.  The 360 installs are optional, take only 10 minutes for copying the entire game and makes reasonable benefits.  The game can be installed or deleted with ease.


So if the 360 were selling better than the Wii, would this still be the case?

Thought not!  It's the lamest excuse.  "Hey, we can't beat them, so lets say that we aren't competing with them, then we can say we are winning!"


In my opinion, forum posts about video games and systems are typically 99% opinion.  (statistic pulled from thin air but its probably close to a fact, in my opinion).  In my opinion, most people can decipher between fact and opinion.  To constantly state that your opinion is just your opinion is silly, in my opinion. 

Lets look at two statements:


1)  "The xbox 360 is the best gaming machine"

2)  "In my opinion, the xbox 360 is the best gaming machine"


In sentence 1, does anyone really think that the person making this statement is referencing facts?  And even if one stating it believes it to be fact, why does the reader care?  As long as the reader knows it is not a factual statement, can the reader just pass it off as opinion instead? 

Just curious. LOL