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I ask this particularly valid question. Does Sony need to win this. This generation already has the telltale signs of being a Pyrrhic victory for Sony. They have already lost more then they could win. Even if they capture the European market it could very well be a blood letting the gaming division could not afford.

There must be a point where one has to make one of three choices retreat, stand, or attack. Sony has been on the attack so long one has to imagine they need to enter into a defensive frame of mind. Protect their assets, and not incur greater losses. Eventually Sony must find a way to be profitable with their gaming division. Not just profitable, but profitable enough to help carry divisions that are going to be going through hard times.

Perhaps I am six months ahead of the curve, but I think if Sony continues to be financially reckless the result will be far more dire then merely coming in third for a generation. I honestly cannot conceive as to how Sony will justify more price cutting to investors that are already obviously very upset in regards to the gaming division.

I am coming from the mindset that if Sony just finds a way to be more profitable that is the victory they need. Market penetration isn't the panacea they need. They need to start making back some serious cash.