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whatever said:

So if the 360 were selling better than the Wii, would this still be the case?

Thought not!  It's the lamest excuse.  "Hey, we can't beat them, so lets say that we aren't competing with them, then we can say we are winning!"


If the 360 were selling better than the Wii, it would have to have been a completely different machine.  As they are, the 360 appeals to gamers of the more hardcore nature, and some casuals.  The Wii focuses on everyone that was never a gamer before.  It has completely different design and target audience.  It sells completely different games (rare to see multi-platform games on more than just PS3 and 360).  Therefore it IS in another category by itself and thus when comparing HD consoles, it can be left out.

If the 360 were hypothetically outselling the Wii, it would be the top "next gen" console, not just the top HD console.