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What is interesting is that high-selling third-party games (the creme de la creme of third-party support) does not appear to have changed much in Japan, despite the changes in the market dynamics. This means the software companies are not yet shifting over as quickly to the Wii -- even though it is dominating the market. This is probably at their own peril.

Some numbers looking at the top 20 sellers (using VGChartz data, rounded to nearest thousand))

Wii -- Top: 3,273k. 20th: 215k. Third-party: 4. Million sellers: 6. 500k sellers: 12
(7.02M consoles)
PS3 -- Top: 656k. 20th: 100k. Third-party: 17. Million sellers: 0. 500k sellers: 1
(2.49M consoles)
X360 -- Top: 210k. 20th: 64k. Third-party: 16. Million sellers: 0. 500k sellers: 0
(0.79M consoles)

GC -- Top: 1,389k. 20th: 46k. Third-party: 2. Million sellers: 1. (4.02M consoles)
PS2 -- Top: 3,609k. 20th: 906. Third-party: 17. Million sellers: 19. (22.74M consoles)
Xbox -- Top: 235k. 20th: 22k. Third-party: 17. Million sellers: 0. (0.48M consoles)

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492