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NJ5 said:
perpride said:
Anybody want to take me up on a bet that the PS3 will not be discontinued till at least two years into the next generation? I say 2012-2014.

I think the odds are not very high it will be discontinued, a few days ago I said less than 5% though now I'd put them a bit higher than that (not much though).

However, this is still off-topic.

@WiiStation360: That's true, but the console market was doing fine for a while with only two consoles. But of course one of the three dropping in the middle of the generation would still be a big deal to gamers.


There is no way this is happening.

Ps3 cost is dropping rapidly, game sales are way up, and so are BR movies. The two areas that people think are hurting sony the most are actually doing very very well, and its the electronics division that is losing so much income.

Sony is not going to drop a console that is making them money.