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Machina-AX said:
nightsurge said:
KLucifer said:
did u hear that lowest price point cuz of the elegant design?? all i need is some cable....hard drive...wireless internet connection..WTF...this costs more than the wii...costs the same as ps3...omg i've been ripped off...

WAT online fees???...OMG that's another controller....HSDIOFHOHFOWEHFL:SDHFLKJh

What?!  You don't "need" a hard drive to enjoy most games?  WHAT!? Barely anyone uses wireless internet for a stationary gaming console and wired suits more people with PS3's than Wireless does?!  What?!  PS3's don't come with HD cables out of the box, and the 360 supports 1080p out of the box with the HD component cables!?!?  What, if I want a hard drive, I can get one for $20!?!?!  What!?  This costs less than the Wii and half that of the PS3!!!!  OMG the PS3 is a rip off!!!


What?!  I pay a measely $40 a year for a great service rather than get a free, but very laggy and unreliable PSN?!?!?!!  I don't "have" to buy an HDMI cable to enjoy HD on the 360!?!?  Wow, that saves me enough for another controller!!


I mean seriously, if you're gonna subdue your urge of rampant fanboyism, at least try to spell correctly.  I mean give me a CHSLKHTOWKDJTSOKJ!!!!!!!!


1. 'very laggy and unreliable PSN' - Online gameplay is identical bteween the two in my experience. This is wishful thinking on your part.
2. 'if I want a hard drive, I can get one for $20' - You can? I don't live in America, but I seriously doubt this. Those new 'Live starter packs' that are aimed at Arcade owners wanting a hard drive sell at £50 on Amazon UK. That was the cheapest I could find on Amazon.
3. 'Wired suits more people with PS3's than Wireless does' - Well people can make up their own minds, internet cables are in the box as well, just like with the 360.

You have some valid points, but your 'rampant fanboyism' does the 360 no favours.


1.  Perhaps I exaggerated a bit, but my experience with the two showed much more lag and disconnects with PSN than with the 360.  With COD4 and Socom, I was so angered by the lag that I returned both games.  Mind you, I have 20mbps, which is not as much as many in the UK have, but is far greater than the average PSN or XBL user in the US.

2.  It has been posted many times that Arcade owners can now purchase a 20GB hard drive from MS for $20.  Perhaps this is a US only deal?

3.  People can make up their own minds.  You are very right.  Which is why the PS3 should have saved some cost and not included WiFi, then offered it as an add-on.

Mostly I was trying to sound like a fanboy just to mock the guy, not because I aspire to be one.  You, being in the UK, may have different experiences or different options, thus my points are valid for those of us in the US and may not be valid when compared to elsewhere.