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If it was discontinued, just about no game would be profitable. They would be if they went to both the Wii/360, but seeing as the Wii versions of many multiplatform games are dumbed down I don't know how well this would work out.

Also, as many multiplats are not on the Wii whatsoever (PS3/360 only), the devs may choose to bring their PS3 exclusives to 360 only because it's more similar hardware-wise. That means even less profitability, unless Microsoft could somehow bring PS3 owners over to their console. This is next to impossible in Japan and not likely in Others, where Sony has a stronger fanbase. The U.S. is a different story, but I've read many a post where people are put off by the 360's hardware failures...

Then, seeing as almost no game is profitable, the devs would start to go out of business and then we're in 1983 again, but worse.