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celine said:
Gamerace said:

My point still stands.  Wii is an abatrous for Japanese 3rd party developers making games for the local market.   And yes, PS3/360 is just too damn expensive for too small a userbase.    As far as home consoles go, the only system worth making a game on for them is PS2 (and you can port to Wii for another 10% of sales).

For those developers DS or PSP is the absolute best way to go.   Wii is not a valid option, unless as you say, it's a sure seller anyways and even then it'd probably be more profittable to have made that same game on DS or PSP.


Well your example of Wii third-party AAA title is quite laughable if you ask me ... ( I understand your point of DS/PSP/PS2 however PS2 is declining so if I have started a console project a couple of months ago you had to think where it will be the PS2 market in a couple of years when your game will be released ...)

Oh BTW we'll see what happen with Monster Hunter 3 in 2009.


Well, there hasn't really been any 3rd party big name AAA games for Wii in Japan has there?   MGS4 and FFXIII are the biggest and they aren't out for Wii.    ToS did well but even a mainstay like Power Pros does horrid on Wii.

We all know Monster Hunter 3 is a beast and will have monster sales.  But you have to ask yourself, and I'm sure Capcom is thinking it - Wouldn't MH3 sell more (a lot more) if it came out for PSP instead of Wii?   Almost certainly yes (and been cheaper to make to boot)