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whatever said:
lanjiaona said:

Microsoft (MSFT) Xbox 360:

  • Elegant design enabling it to be sold at the lowest price point.
  • The biggest and best catalogue of games. More than the other two machines put together.
  • Xbox Live, by far the biggest and best online gaming portal.
  • Rampant piracy makes games free for those who are happy to steal.

And of course the market responds to these USPs. Sony convincingly won the last round of the game console war with PS2. This generation, with PS3, they are coming convincingly third and last. Despite all the analysts predicting otherwise. Obviously the analysts weren’t looking at the USPs.

So now we are in the biggest selling season at the critical mid cycle phase when the meat of all console sales are made. And Microsoft are making hay with the 360.

  • In Italy and the UK (both big Sony strongholds), the 360 now outsells the PS3 two for one.
  • In America too the 360 is selling twice as fast as the PS3.
  • Some weeks the 360 is even outselling the PS3 in Japan.
  • 7 million 360s sold in European territory. 2 million since June as sales ramped up.
  • 360 sales to date now ahead of lifetime sales of the original Xbox. Well before 360 sales reach their peak.

I love when morons state opinion as fact.  I would argue that for me, either the Wii or PS3 each has better games than the 360.  But I wouldn't state it as a fact.



Ironic that the majority of PS3 fanbots here state their favorite PS3 games as factually the best best games ever, ALL the time. -cough-


In terms of variety, yes the 360 has the best catalouge of games. It defenitely has the biggest library, too, without a doubt. But I'm sure you already know that.

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*