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I wouldn't care much. I can confirm that I like the Xbox 360 more than any console this generation. I play that console way more. Main reasons are the achievements, the games, and Xbox Live/

If the PS3 was to go down I would just play the 360. That's all. But I highly don't see that happening. Sony is in this generation and they will end this generation at least making some profit. They might not, they are more than likely Microsoft of last generation with the Xbox.

They are stupid enough to package all that hardware in a console and knowing that it wasn't a mainstream price. $600 is a lot of money. Even when I wasn't working and I'm working now. It's a lot. I'm glad Microsoft made a product that was cheaper to purchase than anything.

Sony will do alright if they can keep their head up, secure good relationships with publishers and release titles to their fans on time.