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NJ5 said:
Squilliam said:

"When" has a lot of importance to the "What if" of this thread.


True, and we can discuss different scenarios. Well, new consoles could come as soon as 2011 (I would lean more towards 2012), so any relevant relevant discontinuation (is that even a word?) would have to come in 2009 or early 2010.

Discontinuing the PS3 much later than that would not make sense since its monetary losses would probably be lower then, and Sony would certainly like to keep their "10-year lifecycle" promise.


I believe the scenario is probably more likely this. (If Sony does fall into a deep hole in the next 6 months)

Their first bet is to attempt to sell the playstation business in entirety or partially. Theres no point in discontinuing the PS3 because they'd be better off just selling it as that would kill the business anyway and they wouldn't likely have the money to continue.

So the most likely scenario is this, they spin off SCE as a seperate entity and they sell off 50% of the business to another partner. Apple is the most likely company at this point, though Microsoft may try to get their grubby fingers on it too.

If selling the business fails, then and only then will they discontinue the PS3 console.

