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Last holiday season Microsoft faded after the releases of Halo 3, Mass Effect, and the supposed "shortages".

This year 360 momentum seems to be gaining as we move through the holiday season with no shortage of supply. Sony is in for a rough ride for the rest of the year. The exclusives are out and they are not having much overall effect for Sony.

It will be really interesting to see if they can get back any real momentum. The year of the PS3 has been delayed another year, and it looks like the momentum is detriorating rapidly. The game delays are catching up to Sony and Microsoft seems to be in the driver's seat now. I'm not sure if KZ2 and a price cut is enough anymore. Especially since the 360 will still be cheaper, Halo Wars and GTA IV content will arrive at the same time followed up with Star Ocean and multi-platform Resident Evil.