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let me start this thread by posting some of the pictures taken in game:








I think the demo was pretty awefull compared to how deep the level designs of the full game are.

If you have only played the demo you owe it to your self to atleast rent this game and give it a try.It is so much fun online and offline.


the game is beautiful .the enviroments are varied(from waterfalls to rocky mountaints to jungles to lavas).Also, the time of the day and weather can be changed in every track.

game modes are all fun.

the TV /Website advertising is good for this game and most reviews gave it around 8-8.5(exepct for the useles OPM review that gave it 6 for no good reason)


so i wanna know if you got the first one(which seems alot of people did )why wouldn't you conisder getting this game?why didn't it sell better than what it did?will the sales improve as the time goes by?