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The weakest region for Wii still would be New Zealand. It's not non-existant there (since week 40 when they changed distributor to Nintendo Australia) anymore but still much worse than HD consoles. For last 5 weeks best selling game in NZ was on X360 platform.

Scandinavia is the other region where Wii isn't doing that great compared to rest of the world but it's hard to give preciese numbers. I know that difference between Wii and PS3 was minimal some time ago in Norway (both probably were lower than 360).

In Italy Wii made huge progress this year and now PS3 and Wii userbase are similar there. The best this-gen (home consoles) game in Italy is probably WiiFit with around 230k units sold however PES 2009 (PS3) has a chance of beting it (it stands at around 180k).