PS3 GPU. Not by far, but still better for..." /> PS3 GPU. Not by far, but still better for..." /> PS3 GPU. Not by far, but still better for..." /> PS3 GPU. Not by far, but still better for..." />
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BrayanA said:
I wrote this before:
"Most important part for high graphic games is GPU. 360 GPU > PS3 GPU. Not by far, but still better for most of the graphical operations. Cell is cell, but without strong GPU even Core 2 Quad Extreme is useless. Don't get me wrong. You still need strong CPU for great physics, A.I., etc.

If you optimize for 360 GPU, when porting to less powerfull PS3 GPU you need to sacrifice something (framerate, resolution, etc) to make things to run or to downgrade it visuals."

PS3 can't win a round, cos this comparisons are based on graphics. PS3 wins in pop-ins and load times (not GPU related) , but loose in resolution, framerate and screen tearing (GPU related). With NXE PS3 will loose most of its advantages, cos now xbox users can install games if they want. This will make pop-ins and load times nearly same on both platforms.


True.  Also, it's clear that most ports so far (and multiplats) don't spend time/money to fundamentally change code to leverage SPEs in conjunction to GPU on the PS3.

The easy route is to keep the core code as much as possible during the port then optimize where possible while trying to find a balance in minimising something else (resolution, texture quality, etc).

The simply fact is that unless PS3 gets far enough ahead to force developers to need to exploit the machine fully they won't if they can achieve a good enough match to 360 versions to get decent sales - and that point has been reached already IMHO.  Most multiplats now look almost identical with only a few differences (normally in favour of 360) and the developers know this is good enough for the moment.

It's going to be down to Sony exclusive games to show if you really can code to use SPE's in conjunction with CPU/GPU to deliver graphics beyond that capable of 360 (please not I'm not saying it can, just that I don't believe any multiplatform games are going to even try while 360 is ahead WW so its down to exclusives to show the difference if it really exists).


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...