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If you look at every single BR released by Sony Pictures (in Australia at least) they all have the sign 'also playable on Playstation 3' or something similiar. Its just common sense to associate your brandname as an integral family and I don't why see why the billboard which is obviously advertising the BR movies and NOT the PS3 shouldn't also attach some reminders to the consumer that the PS3 has additional functionality. (ie it can play BR).

Problem is if you ONLY want to watch BR, why the hell would you shell out $200 extra on a PS3 when a stand-alone player can well suffice? The only reason you would get a PS3 is that you like the option that it can play BR AND games, which means that while you might have purchased it for the blueray you certainly would be interesting in gaming too? Otherwise why bother forking out the extra money?

Good example would be my friend who intends to purchase a PS3 when the Dark Knight comes out, because he wants the BR version of it, at the same time he will also be purchasing GT5 Prologue and Motorstorm PR, simply because... 'hey I got the PS3 might as well get some games too eh?'

I respect you opinion but I also respectfully disagree with it. I think that a very small minorities might have bough the PS3 initially as BR player but in today's market, certainly not anymore.