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Playstation ads promote... Blue-Ray instead of Games...


Ok, I know the opinion of people on this forum about BR pushing PS3 sales instead of games.

This was "defused" by PS3 users on that last thread :

But still, for the last 2 weeks, I have seen billboards with the new Playstation 3 ads promoting... Blue ray, not gaming...

The two one near my office are with pictures of Wall-E and Hancok "unblured" by a black frame.

The catphrase was about the high-quality definition of BR and you can see a bigger black frame with a playstation logo and a PS3 on the bottom-right of the billboard.


I understand that Sony still wants people to associate BR with the PS3. No matter what people think, it is the sony marketing message.

I intend to buy a BR reader soon and... if I hadn't a 360 already, I might have taken a PS3. So I'm still convinced that a significant units are moved by BR... not gaming...

Comment, thank you.



Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.