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scottie said:

Anyway, the Iphone is not really a threat to either Ninty or Sony, as Apple is going for market expansion, but my point is that the Iphone is very much a viable gaming platform, and should become more so in the next year or two


Wow, seraphic and tabsina. Did you even read my post?


@ everybody who actually read my post and responded in a constructive manner, I kinda assumed when I first read it that they would not count demos as games, but you're probably right really.


@ Tabsina (ps, I will bold words that you must read. Why would you look at revenue?

If you're looking at it from a VGChartz perspective, you count sales

if you're looking at it from a perspective of a game company considering which to develop for, you count profit/manhours the game took to make. If for example you could make 10 Iphone games that each make $100k profit, surely that's better than making a single PSP game that will end up making anywhere between -500k and 1000k