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do some of you people think the ps3 will stay $399 forever!? all sony have to do is the cut the prices and the tables will be turned around instantly, then you will get the same dickheads that will say "is the 360 doomed?"

just like in 2007 when ps3 looked like it had no chance with such a shitty launch and such a shitty game lineup but somehow with a price cut it actually managed to beat 360 for the year and then starting beating 360 in america starting this year and was beating it ever since and what was everyone saying?

YES THATS RIGHT everyone was saying xbox 360 dead again!! look the point is price cuts give boosts, price cuts to $199 and not forgetting europe £129.99 give major long lasting boosts but the ps3 is no where near at a affordable price point for everyone. at $299 im sure everyone who wants one will be able to just stretch out and get one but at $399 you mjst really really want one to shell out that amount of money! after a ps3 price cut you will once again see the ps3 with huge sales and once again I WILL BE WAITING FOR THOSE SAME DAMN "DEAD" PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!