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By looking the whole picture sony isn't doing well on other sectors either. For example Sony BMG has been losing its sales all the time.

Q1: -$49M sales

Q2: -$57M sales


There have been also some unfortunate events for sony, which have made the whole thing even worse. For example that patent infringement, which did cost $18.5M.

Blu-Ray doesn't sell well and ppl are still happy with dvd so no love for Blu-Ray movies either.

HDTVs have sold well, but they might stall soon too.

And when we add current financial crisis...


I am not a doomsayer or anything. This just happens to be the situation right now. Sony just can't do the MS and take big hits from console market. Its way too small company be able withstand such blows. Sony has already tried to soften the landing for example with some project cancels( One of them were eight days ), but this seems not to be enough as we can see it from losses it has made in game division.

(Well, I could have said also something about current gamesales, because they aren't doing well at all too.

LittleBigPlanet = 735k
Resistance 2 = 348k
Motorstorm 2 = 130k
Socom = 302k )