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I dunno. I mean, your opinion is yours, that's cool and all. but. Wow

I think your in a one man boat on that one.
Not that I believe in pack mentality, but. Gawd the game practically didn't run without the RAM pack (or was it required), and even with it, the game was so grainy and bad. Z-axis filtering was complete crap. They stole the game engine from Goldeneye and somehow managed to malign the control structure so bad it handled like Turok 2. Not to mention the freakin lag all over the place.
Believe me I bought that game thinking "I knoe I hate EA, but is it possible for them to be bad enough to screw up 007, with the (I'm pretty sure stolen) Rare engine?" Sure enough they didn't let me down. Biggest waste of $60 EVER!

Sorry if I sound like a jerk, I don't mean to offend you it's just, I'm suprised I have ever witnessed someone say 007:WiNE is preferable to Goldeneye.

but hey man. big night in the NHL tommorow eh?

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself