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One of the fundimental problems with the industry is that it's inbred. Kids who grew up playing games in the NES - PS1 days are now making today's games. Problem with that is those people want to make the same types of games they grew up with, just bigger and better.

They DO consider games for girls, 'casuals', kids, etc. second rate. They don't want to make them, it's a 'jo' job they do until they can make a 'real' game. That attitude is pervasive from low level programmer to publisher management.

Now while I could pull up lots of industry quotes to support that I can't be bothered too but who are we kidding, with few exceptions (Nintendo) you know what I'm saying is essentially true.

What will happen, in time, is girls and more 'casual players' growing up playing Wii now will be tomorrow's game developers and publishers and then you'll see the market for the other demographics continuing to grow in both size and quality.

There's certainly a market now for someone with enough foresight to start making quality games that appeal to demographics other than the one they themselves represent. Problem is could they even find quality staff who want to make it and publishers to shell out for high end games for a less established market? Probably not. The only way this will likely change in the short term is if 3rd parties start going bankrupt chasing the current 15-35 male demographic and are forced by necessary to pursue new markets.