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Kasz216 said:
I think everyone is missing the point here.

If Obama is disqualfied that means Joe Biden will be president.

No one wants that. He'll just spend all day sexually harrasing the presidential staff and declaring war on countries who think he's stupid just to show them who's really stupid.


Amen to this kasz. 


And to steven, I get the feeling that you think I am a racist.  Now if I were not banned for getting even before, I might just tell you where to shove it.  If you read my previous quotes, I have endorsed Piyush "Bobby" Jindal for president in 2012.  Now tell me how someone who is sincerely bigoted, clinging to guns an my religion, could endorse an American of former Hindu religious beliefs and Indian descent.

I stick to my beliefs as a personal matter between me and God.  I do not own a weapon because my Seal Team 6 almost step dad taught me otherwise.  I am just sick and tired of the politically correct party saying how things should change and when somebody says something they don't like they regurgitate George Soros hatred that fills the room to the ceiling. 

Now, to be frank I try to stay level headed.  But in all honesty, I don't take pure BS lying down.  So as for me, am I clinging to religion and my 2nd Ammendment rights?  You bet your ass I am.