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hitoriki said:
I'm new in this of building a computer from scrach.

¿how can i know if a card is good for games?

the one I bougth, i bought it for the 512mb and still seems insufficient to wath I need.

wath should I look for when buying a card?


When you buy a Video Card, don't just look at the RAM, the RAM is important, but the most important thing to look is the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), without the GPU, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) has to process everything and that's not healthy even for a simple desktop GUI...

I saw your GPU, and that's the thing that keeps you from playing Crysis at better settings, although don't feel so bad, Crysis is badly coded and overuses the resources really horrible, so unless you have a lot of money, don't try to have smooth maximum settings on this piece of crap (talking about the programming again, the game itself is good)...