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Shadowblind said:
makingmusic476 said:
jacks81x said:
toastboy44562 said:

This game will sell millions of copies. I'm sure it will be rated above a 8.5 out of ten.

This game takes place in modern tokyo.

I think it has a good chance of being the best game of 2009.



I don't even think Ninja Gaiden II has sold a million copies yet.  And that's a much more well known franchise.  Even if it gets great reviews there's no chance it's selling "millions".


I feel bad for NGII.  It deserves better sales.

It's currently tracking under Heavenly Sword of all games.  :(


 Microsoft announced 1 million sales for NGII a few months back. Whether its to customers or not, the game has gone Platinum.


I agree, and it's a great number.  I just think it deserves more.  Same goes for games like Uncharted, and from the looks of it LittleBigPlanet.