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FPSrules said:
wtf is this, wat is with the video/picture comparison of multiplaform games. who was the idiot that started that shit, they look exaclty the same. 3rd party developers have no reason to make a game look better on one system than the other. the only difference is between each games is that the 360 settings for brighteness is higher than the ps3 settings, and this can be adjusted

for ex i got gta4 for ps3, my bro got it for 360. we took both games and compare. it was EXACLTY the same thing except that it was too bright for him so he had to turn down the brightness, for me it was to dark so i had to turn up the brightness. and the ps3 had noticable better loading time due to the fact that the game was installed on da hardrive. but graphics wise its EXACLTY the same so quit this stupid shit of comparing multiplaform games for crying out loud

if u want to compare each systems potential, get Gran Turismo 5 and Forza 3 next year, supposiblity both will use the systems max potential in power and graphics


 and i think what you have said is so right ,a nd i think the game is so good , and i played it all day , and i am not bored , and i like it very much , i heard it has the professional , but i do not know the service of it ?