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Instance56 said:
Yes that happens because the point system is based on your points vs the avg.

So if your 7000 rank and all the players in the game are 4500-5500 you will loose points for anything but first i would think . Because your so far above the AVG player score you will need to come in a good placing to sustain or gain a few points.

Where as you said you came 4th and got more points than first. Could happen in a game where all / most of the players are scored higher than you but a fair amount ( 1000+ points ) and you come in 4th . and the guy that came in first is prolly around the avg for points in the game.

kind of hard to understand but yea.

OOh I get it. It makes more sense now.

and it sucks x_X

better keep`playing and ignore the system then XD