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xZealoTx, if that's the case then you should leave the franchise while your ahead. As long as Nintendo is at the helm, the presentation will always be put last. Their purpose is to put fun factor before everything else and that's gonna be the way it is for as long as the content creators continue to think. If it feels like a 90's game to you and you won't play it because of that, then too bad for you, but I'll welcome it if it feels and/or looks like an NES game because I play Nintendo franchises for fun factor along with many other people.

Here's another take why some people don't want voice acting, take a look at Sonic's current state. It was cool to hear him speak in Sonic Adventure, but now his current voice actor sucks big time and almost everybody hates the fact that Sonic speaks. Do you think his franchise is better than Zelda's because of the voice acting? And what if the voice acting put in the series was worse than Wand of Gamelon's?

Also, since when was the last time Nintendo ever wrote a story that was actually something extradordinary?

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P