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DTG said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Esa-Petteri said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Wow, this jackass doesn't get it either. I don't want games ported up from the PS2, but at the same time (what this guy doesn't get), I don't want games ported down from the PS360. I want original games tailored to the Wii's advantages and disadvantages. When that happens, those games do really well.



Hasn't that happened already? Mario&sonic,carnival games,game party,RRR? I haven't played all of those games, but I think they do use wiimotes advantages. Not to mention that they have been great successes so they must have been "tailored" to wii.

Yes it has happened already (I didn't claim it hadn't), and many of those games have sold well.

Just like No More Heroes sold well.  And many other 3rd party games.  Those are the 3rd parties that get it.  They make new unique games tailored to the Wii.  When companies give the Wii sloppy ports, they don't sell well.  Those companies should shut up and learn how to make good games.  It is my hope that they actually don't shut up and learn how to make good games, and they simply go out of business and leave us all alone.  The industry will be better, and leave room for better companies with new and unique ideas.

Now which one of those games has an amazing storyline? The problem with all well selling wii games is that the narratives suck and the platform just doesn't seem to support third party's that might want to create a game backed purely by an enticing narrative disregarding the wii's gameplay strength or weaknessess. Unless story heavy games can survive on the wii it will never be taken seriously.

Amazing storyline?  Of course Nintendo hardware could never handle a storyline as groundbreaking and world-changing as MGS4.  The story alone was so deep the Cell could barely handle it.  Narratives require real horsepower.  That's why I only read books on my PS3 internet browser.