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BMaker11 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.

Uhhh....Mario? Zelda? Metroid? Discounting Final Fantasy because in actuality, each installation is a legitimately separate game, but the "MAJOR SEQUELS" of which you speak on the PS3/360 are at 4, maybe 5 for each series. Mario Galaxy is proabaly like Super Mario World 20 or something like that if ti were given a number.

And if you want to talk about bringing in fresh IPs and such, go play LBP or maybe some XBLA or PSN games

I didn't mean that comment as a flame magnet, but here we go...

The NES era was known for pumping out games really fast.  It had 3 Final Fantasies, 3 Dragon Quests, 3 Castlevanias, 4 Ninja Turtles, 4 Double Dragons, and 6 Mega Mans.

But Nintendo only made 1 Metroid, 2 Zeldas, and 4 Marios (in Japan, only 3 in America).  But they also made many other great games outside of their major franchises, like Excite Bike, Punch-Out!!, Kid Icarus, and more, and over the decades they've been bringing in new IPs on every single console.

Outside of Mega Man, Sonic, and Street Fighter, the SNES era actually slowed that down a little.  We've had 1 Mario platformer per console, only 3 console Metroids in the last decade, and 1-2 Zeldas per console (2 on Nes, 1 on SNES, 2 on N64, 1.5 on GC, and 0.5 on Wii).

The reason you think Nintendo is the worst at milking its franchises, is because Nintendo is the longest lasting most successful and greatest software developer in history.  Only Nintendo has this many successful franchises, and that bothers you for some reason.  Maybe you're jealous because you just don't like their games.  Or maybe you hate success?  I have no idea.  But when Microsoft or Sony have enough original and successful first party characters to make a Smash Bros. game, you'll be singing a different tune.