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Pristine20 said:


Thats the problem with many wii fans. Many of you think that 3rd parties just don't wan't to support the wii which doesn't make any sense.  How can they just not wan't to support the #1 console which also happens to be cheap to develop for? Whats a fact is that the wii is vastly different from any console that has released before it both in hardware, software (think wii fit) and audience (lots of girls now) so the typical game developer doesn't know how to succeed on the platform. Nintendo knew what they were doing before releasing the console, unfortunately, no one else does. This is the truth.



OR, they just don't agree with the direction Nintendo are taking things? As many vocal developers have pointed out, THATS a fact, not my opinion.


But yeah, I can't say with 100% certainty why alot of them don't support the wii. But your argument would hold alot more weight if the gamecube was supported, though.


And stop calling me a wii fan/boy please. I own all three consoles and both handhelds, the 360 gets the bulk of my play time. I think the wii is a piece of shit (or has been since spring, atleast) BECAUSE of third parties mostly.


Get it?