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Coming from another angle, I see the PS3 and X360 as consoles that are trying to increase market share a)relative to last generation, b)trying to capture more PC gamers. The Wii is there to attract non-gamers to the gaming world. The demographics are totally different. I own all 3 console, but for the overall gaming 'experience' nothing competes with the HD consoles. Games audio tracts in DD (or lossless for a couple of PS3 games), games rendered in 720p (I play on a 133" screen and things look fantastic), the confort of slouching on a couch and not having to be hunched over with KB/mouse, and most importantly, on-line interactivity. Solo-player games are fun, but >75% of the games on Xbox/PS3 are geared towards on-line play, and that is where the most fun is. Bringing up examples of CoD:WaW, sales would be pitiful if there was a weak on-line community and the game relied on the campaign (Wii), but are robust with a healthy on-line community as that is what most people play. Similarly, even with nearly 40 million Wii's, a large % of people bought the Wii because of the novalty, its interface, and less intimidating gameplay. There is nothing intimidating about playing MarioCart, but there is significant intimidation playing Forza 2 or GT:P (for the average Wii owner).

Thus, porting games is not the solution. I will NEVER buy a multiplatform game on the Wii. The only games I buy are exclusives, and even then only for my kids. Every developer is looking for the next 'Halo' or 'Gears of War', but the reality is that those are exclusives. In the last few years the only new IP from a 3rd party that had made significant sales was Assassins Creed. Bioshock did well, but was exclusive for a year (and is selling poorly on the PS3). Thus, why spend all the R&D on a Wii game, even with a large userbase, as the attach rates are very low especially for non-Nintendo software. The lead platforms will always be Xbox (as it is close to PC) and then PS3. Nintendo needs to open their wallets and fund 3rd party developers to make a Wii game (like MS did with Epic in making GoW). It will be risky, as who know how it will turn out, but it ensures a future for when the Wii-HD comes out. The only problem will be that MS and Sony will already have their next consoles in the pipeline, as they will likely be media centers/gaming machines. Nintendo has to skip a generation to catch up.