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Pristine20 said:
noname2200 said:
Pristine20 said:
noname2200 said:
Pristine20 said:
bdbdbd said:

You're probably right but the difference here is that the DS is MILES ahead of PSP to yet the wii is not yet ahead of the PS360 which are ususally lumped together due to offering the same exact experience. The DS is much different from the psp like the wii is to the ps360 but in this case, the ps360 has the higher userbase still whereas the DS has more than double the psp's userbase with less piracy.

In conclusion, I think more 3rd parties would support the wii but due to western devs favoring power (especiallly PC devs), the wii is unlikely to ever get equal support. It would get it's best 3rd party support only from japan.

I can see that. I still think lots of Western developers will do more stuff for the Wii later on than they're doing now, but it won't be as dramatic.


You're right, they certainly can't all ignore the wii. It could even make 50% marketshare in 2009 but I still don't think their support for the wii would ever come close to PS360.



All right, I can't let that one slide. Why do you think that single games succeeding somehow overrides the fact that large third-party publishers are losing money hand over fist?