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vdoesntforgive said:
Pristine20 said:

you obviously bought a 360 and expect they "typical" 3rd party games on it. they've tried the "typical" on wii and you haven't bought them. So what constitutes a good 3rd party game? I for one am just as cnfused as they are.

Off topic, I don't care about halo myself. I didn't even buy any halo game on the original xbox



You DO know that FPS's aren't  the be all and end all of a "typical game" right.


Besides, the reason why the wii version hasn't sold well is a pretty obvious one, anyone that doesn't know why just isn't paying attention.


Your average consumer, he swicthes on the television and see an advert for WaW. He see's the 360 version, but he can pretty much guarantee the PS3 is getting that shit, as most of them go to both. This commercial doesn't have logos at the end of it, obviously because microsoft have bought the rights to the marketing of the game.


Why would someone then go out to a gaming store and ask for the wii version?  Now I know it exists, but damn, I barely even know what the game looks like. All I've seen of it has come from E3 months ago and a few videos on IGN. If they can't even be bothered to Market their own game, why would I go out and support that version?


Seems everyone likes to pass around the blame on why these games don't sell, as long as it's not the fault of the publishers. It's even come down to fans of other consoles blaming Nintendo for TP's shortcomings. It's crazy. Bottom line is, THEY don't put in the effort for these games to succeed, probably because they don't give half a shit. Blaming Nintendo, the wii, and even the consumers is just a fancy way for them to get out of properly supporting it.


The majority of games are sold by word of mouth. Cod4 is the perfect example of this. I never saw an advert for it on Tv. I knew I wanted it from videos on GT. Unfortunately, the new gamers the wii has brought into gaming are not the type that go to internet gaming websites to talk about games so they probably don't even know or care. These are not the type that know release dates, they walk to the store when they want a new experience and ask the store clerk for recommendation. Thus, the long legs of wii games. Also, many wii owners who are also fans of this genre also have a gaming PC or PS360, hence, the wii sales are dried up which I understand. However, this is also a justification for 3rd parties not to bring FPS games to wii.

As for other best selling ps360 titles like assassins creed, I really don't see how they could benefit from the wii's motion controls so it would boil down to graphics and power again (for things like # of people on screen) which would ultimately lead to the PS360 versions selling way more copies.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler