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Steven:  Well if Gov. Lingle says it, it must be true ;)  Anyway, your arguments are solid for your perspective.  I am not racist against his name or "purported" faith, I am, however, one who is against slick, free rides in the face of the law.  I have endorsed Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (a former Hindu turned Catholic-convert) for President.


Here is a link to a document showing Obama's name as Barry Soetoro, religion Islam:


In additon, under Indonesian law of 1960, that nation did not allow for dual citizenship w/ the US.  It didn't until 2006.

More on the new Indonesian DC law below:

Child Born Before Aug. 01, 2006

Child born before Aug. 01, 2007 is not automatically entile to double citizenship. The citizenship of Indonesia can be obtained through registration by submitting application forms. The application to obtain Indonesian citizenship for your child must be made in writing  using Bahasa Indonesia, on paper affixed with sufficient duty stamp.


So as the italics point out, Obama would either have to hold US or Indonesian citizenship prior to this new law.  He was in a school there and under Islamic law of Indonesia, that would automatically make him an Indonesian citizen.  Obama has not renounced this.


But on to other things and papers to write, steven... College you know...