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Yeah, I think the OP is pretty much undisputable. And in 4 pages of comments so far there have only been 2 or 3 delusional PS3 fanboy statements. There's simply not much for them to say at this point.

What I think is unfortunate is that nobody realized that the 360 already had a great HD video library through Marketplace and that it was worlds better than what Netflix is currently offering as streaming content. I did the 2 week trial, and I am NOT impressed by the Netflix selection so far. The good thing is that the video Marketplace doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Anyway, no matter how you slice it, the PS3 took a back seat again this year. MGS4 was a bright spot, LBP wasn't as big of a deal as everyone thought it would be, Resistance 2 came and went with not much fanfare. Everyone is already making the "look what PS3 has coming NEXT year" posts, but this happens every single year and I'll believe it when I see it.

The only patterns we have to go by from the past are:

--The next year on the calendar is always hailed as "the year of the PS3".

--Microsoft always seems to have a plan up their sleeves to combat all the big name PS3 releases with previously unannounced 360 titles.

--According to VGChartz, PS3 is losing ground on the 360, not gaining it. The momentum it gained after MGS4 seems to have ground to a halt.

--Price cuts work, and we will see true evidence of this in the coming weeks.

All in all, the more time Sony takes to get their act together, the more time MS has to strengthen their numbers and build up the user base. I think it would take a really groundbreaking AND well selling title in 2009 for Sony to truly get their mojo back. Let's face facts: Sony were gods among men in the last gen with the PS2 destroying all other competitors. This gen, Sony is fighting for 2nd and not gaining any ground. They are not, after all, infallible or invincible to competition as we are all witnessing now.