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Pristine20 said:
Kenny said:

For the record, I bought CoD:WaW.  However, the fact of the matter is that WaW on the Wii is stripped down from the PS360 versions.  The maximum number of players in multiplayer was cut in half, vehicles were removed, multiplayer co-op was taken out, the Nazi Zombies are gone...  There are no good technical reasons for any of these omissions, and yet these features are missing.  The point is, it's not a fair comparison, because WaW is the kind of game that focuses on the online multiplayer experience, and the Wii version is, for no good reason, markedly inferior in that regard.

You see, even if the vehicles were removed and co-op was taken out, even cod4 didn't have those options but it sold better than games like bad company which allow you to fly even helicopters and Resistance 2 which has co-op options beyond anything I've ever seen. So I won't consider the omission of those options an excuse for the cod:waw selling a measly 0.07mil (according to vgc).

You are right, the game is inferior but I used to think wii owners were in need of a good shooter so that would make it more likely to sell more? On ps3 some people picked R2 over cod:waw and many 360 owners chose to play gears 2 nstead. Other HD console owners just stuck with cod4 but what other game competes with cod:Waw on wii? My conclusion: the audience for this sort of game either don't have wiis or have both a wii and one or both of the HD consoles for which they just went HD.


In all honesty, it's far too early to determine the overall sales distributions between consoles.  The Wii has demonstrated that games on it tend to be spread out further over time, while PS360 games enjoy much more front loading.  It's very probable that the PS360 versions will have more sales in the end, but the extent of that can't be drawn on first week sales data alone.  We can agree, though, that if a person had a Wii and a PS3 or 360, and wanted WaW, they would pick the PS360 version over the Wii, simply because the Wii version is inferior.

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