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Much better. Still doesn't apply to my arguments.

The State of Hawaii says it's real and on file. A Republican governor refuses to release it because that is the law in Hawaii. Do you have so little faith in this government that you think both Republicans and Democrats would work to cover this up.

I've refrained from saying it because I've been trying to keep this argument reasonable but I see that Halo and Tyrannical don't want to provide any evidence to back up their claims. They are sore losers who do not trust the government and only question Obama because one of his parents was a foreign ex-Muslim, he's black, and his name is Barack Hussein Obama.

Saying, "I'm not saying that he is, I just want proof." is a thin veil of racism and/or sour grapes. I hope it's the latter.

Instead of providing evidence you choose to ignore some of my arguments and facts presented. Tyrannical has decided to attack me personally instead of arguing with facts, because he can't win.

Provide some evidence, the website and news stories refer to his mother traveling, show us his foreign hospital birth records. You support a lawsuit hinges on Obama's foreign passports or citizenship, let me see some documentation and show me what dual citizenship would imply.


I know that you think that it was filed fraudulently, there is no way anyone can prove it wasn't. Prove it was.

It's simple logic: You can't prove something doesn't exist, you can only prove something else exists and makes the former invalid.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.