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El Duderino said:
Dallinor said:
That's an insane oversight by the devs...

I wonder how many gamers will simply get to that point, get frustrated and give up?


Devs and (maybe more) testers... how does that even happen in this day and age... don´t testers have to play every level dozens of times ??? I just don´t get how something this big could be overlooked... maybe ther trigger was acedentally removed before it went gold... anyone know how widespread this issue really is ???

 This is how this typically goes down for situations like this.

Tester: "The lever in level blah does not appear" (actually requires far more detail normally but I am paraphrasing)

Developer send out a  memo with a list of bugs fixxed including the lever one.

Tester: " Lever still not appearing,.. It was not fixxed"

Response: "Lever was fixxed and is no longer bugged."

Tester: "Lever was not fixxed, and is still not appearing. Bug still exists."

Response: "Bug was fixxed last build."

Alrernatively it just gets documented as a known bug and is ignored entirely. It can be quite infuriating trying to get a game into a playable condition since there are often many bugs that are never properly addressed.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229