I love these explanations... They are so hilarious. :D
*with very informative sound tone*
"PS3 doesn't have to use memory to store information. It can do it real time."
*with very informative sound tone*
That one made me break... Yes, please make new thread. :D
Btw, engines today use triangle strips & triangle fans to move even more stuff(Not to mention display lists, which give nice boost too.).
One triangle has 3 angles, which are the three vertexes. Every vertex have 3 floats(XYZ-coordinates) each so its 3*3 floats, which means 3*3*4=36 bytes as floats are 4 bytes... etc. etc. etc.
(For example GT5 cars are 200000 polygons/triangles, which means 200000*36 bytes(~7MB) for each, if you store those as triangles. Its a whole lotta more than 32 bytes, don't you think? :) )
Maybe I don't know anything, maybe I do.
(Anyway, if youre in doubt check the 3D engine I am working on + my other projects(My signature). ;) )